She Made Me Laugh

From: Yvonne T.
Date: Sat, Nov 10, 2012 at 2:59 PM
Subject: Barbara - Stamford
I just wanted to let you all know that Barbara, Our service provider, Was wonderful. She made me laugh the whole time during treatment and definitely made me feel better, Though I was miserable about the lice. 

My 8 year old (Taylor) and 6 year old (Stella) and I were all infested. I had never dealt with lice before and I was clueless. I went to the Licenders Lice Treatment Center 2 weeks ago on a Saturday before Hurricane Sandy (in Stamford). 

We just went in today for a check up and got 'cleared'. Of course I am now a maniac re: lice and trying to mitigate risk of this happening again, but when all is said and done, I was very happy to have Barbara work with us.
Yvonne T.